Thursday, December 27, 2012

Loving My Lexicon -- Christmas Musings

Hello everyone. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Sadly, I did not receive my dream gift, a new guitar, but we have a beautiful re-faced fireplace with a new mantle -- yay for us! However, that being said, I was uber excited about one of my gifts. I received (brace yourself right now) a shiny new book, the Strong's Concordance of the New Testament with Greek lexicon -- "YES!!!" I cried. I rejoiced at the sight of my hard cover piece de resistance filled with Greek words from the NT. Because meaning of a word can be lost in translation, it becomes necessary to reference Scripture with my trusty Concordance. Okay, I know what you are saying. Natalie, what a nerdy gift . . . wouldn't have you been happy with some fluffy slippers. Yes, I would've, and I love my two pairs of new slippers, but my Concordance, well, we bonded immediately. And, I am giving myself a refresher course of the Greek alphabet, can we say Alpha, Beta . . . Omega?

Anyway, I am going to try harder to blog in the New Year. Bye for now xoxo

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